Sunday, March 15, 2009

"We Have To Change . . . We Cannot Stand Still Any Longer"

Will Richardson's comment about change really resonated with me. I must face facts - I am not living in a stagnant society! It is rapidly changing, and if I don't keep up, I will find myself in, dare I say, great danger! I am problably one of the few people left doing my banking by phone . . . I have never used Ebay . . . I don't download my pictures from my digital camera myself . . . I have no idea what students are talking about when they tell me about the new gadgets they get for Christmas . . . I don't know how to set the alarm in my own home . . . I am completely out of touch with modern society!!

As a teacher, I am expected to 'model' and encourage the use of technology -- when I don't have a clue what I am doing! I am to engage students digitally, encourage global participation/interaction and create links to social networks. I am to update my personal skills and share my experiences with others. I am to grow from my mistakes and 'never stop learning'. As Angela stated, "teachers must be learners, actively adapting, adjusting and evolving." The traditional form of education is no longer adequate. I must prepare kids for the future they will realistically live in - which is not at all the future I envisioned us to be in!

I do, however, see myself moving in the right direction. Through this class, I see myself experimenting and enjoying learning. I feel the energy and confidence growing. I am at the point where I WANT to learn! I am willing to try new things in class and I know that my students will be supportive - I do, however, worry about parent perception - do they see the importance in technology? Are they supportive and do they model the use of technology in their home? Are they 'old school' in their views of education, and want their children to be sitting in rows at desks working page to page in textbooks? Where do they stand?

1 comment:

Alec Couros said...

You've really captured a great issue at the end of your post. You wanting to learn and experiment vs. parental perceptions. I really think these changes will require a partnership with parents, to work with them to reduce misconceptions and fear ... and to help them understand what their kids are doing and up against in the changing world.