Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blast From the Past!

I accidently came across the Obsolete Technology Website and memories of my youth flashed before me. It seemed like only yesterday when I was sitting in front of one of these big clunkers. My, have things changed! It is scary to see where we will be even five or ten years from now!


Anonymous said...

Technologically speaking, 5-10 years from now will be interesting to say the least. I think traditional education will come to a cross roads where informed change and the old guard meet. What will happen from there I am not sure??? I too can remember sitting in computer science class in 1987 in front of a machine that could kill a person if it fell on them.

Unknown said...

Obsolte?!?!?! True but still usefull in some ways.

I still was using an Apple II (1978) for many things until 5 years ago. I had other computers at home, as well as access at work. I still chose to use it as it was RELIABLE, and safe. No need to update it several times a week due to problems and viruses. No software updates because they released it earlier than they should have....

This computer was amazing, it had a black and white integrated monitor but could print in colour. Could run lots of programs, as well as never needed servicing. It also never seemed to slow down,that could be because it was slow to start with (LOL).

How many of us still cwish they built them like they used to, but with the speed and options of today?