Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Right On Track!

I've come so far is this short time that we've been gathering for this class. I think back to the first day when, to be perfectly honest, you scared the living daylights out of me with your big talk and mighty vocabulary! I feel like I've grown quite a bit since those days and I know my knowledge level has certainly increased as to what the world has to offer - technologically speaking! Don't get me wrong - it is only the tip of the iceberg that I have uncovered . . . but . . . a whole new world has opened up to me and now - my progress is in my hands! What I decide to do with this new information is up to me - will I quit the moment this class is finished - or will I venture out on my own and continue challenging myself?

My old, feeble mind never could have imagined all the possibilities available online. Ever so slowly, I find myself revealing more and more of myself to others and establishing online relationships and even more importantly - sharing! I greatly admire those, who upon finding new applications and tools, immediately share with others as opposed to guarding the new information as to elevate their individual 'smarts' status. I see the importance of helping one another. Frankly, I have enjoyed this open, giving and encouraging experience and am in disbelief at how guarded and individual I once was. I believe social networking IS here to stay and that the benefits ARE plentiful and that it is up to each one of us to ensure that we are supportive to those who reach out for help. Thanks for all the help many of you have given me though this experience!

Wow! Upon proofreading - I realize how sappy this sounds - but nonetheless - it is the truth!


SKing said...

I share your feelings about sharing. I never considered myself to be an island in my school but this course has opened my eyes and made me see what giving and sharing really look like. It is a positive place and it has helped me grow professionally.

Sappy - no! From the heart - sure!

Kim said...

I too feel like I have learned a lot, Leanne and it's great to physically see what I have learned and created as I look back over the past few months. I helped a fellow colleague start a blog today for her class. I love the sharing, the give and take, that is becoming second nature. (And I have a feeling that you will continue with a lot of this stuff!)

megan gerwing said...

Your ability with technology is amaazing. I can really see all of the progress you have been making. Thank you for sharing when you find a new tool or resource. That is so important in on-line community building.