Friday, March 20, 2009

Bridging the Gap

A wonderful thing happened this past week -- I had the opportunity to put a face to a name!

I attended part two of Dr. Mohammed's talk about PLCs in North Battleford and although I took much from his insights and interesting experiences, I took much more from the opportunity to meet people from the LaRonge cohort in person. I was pleasantly surprised when two handsome men approached me and introduced themselves as my classmates. I took a quick glance at their name tags and although I didn't immediately recognize them, I did manage to figure out that they were indeed the masterminds - Stephen and Guy! We made some small talk before they pulled me over to meet Ronelda and Jackie - which was another unexpected surprise. They continued to point out others at the conference who were from the 'north' and this feeling of total - I don't know - easiness washed over me. It sounds pretty corny, but, being the old-fashioned girl I am, I really enjoyed meeting these people 'in the flesh' to make them seem more 'real'. Although I did respond to their blogs in the past . . . I have asked Stephen for assistance on numerous occasions and received tons of support and encouragement from him recently . . . I still felt odd about 'chatting' with strangers during class. I feel more like I know them now and we'll see - maybe there will be a bit more interaction during the next Elluminate session.

I guess what I'm getting at is . . . yes, relationships can be built on line . . . but in my world, the F2F far outweighs this online presence. I understand the benefits of online connections - and the vast capabilities and possibilities - but I still enjoy making true contacts!

It was nice meeting you !!


SKing said...

Hi Leanne,

Two handsome men? I thought you met Guy and I! Thanks for the compliment. We enjoyed meeting you and I agree the face to face meeting is still superior to digital meetings.

Nevertheless, l am looking forward to our future classes. By the way, we talked to our director and there is a chance we can get a short ed leave as well - he just has to pull some strings. Keep your fingers crossed!

megan gerwing said...

That is very cool that you got to meet some of our classmates face to face. I am also very impressed with your blog. You have awesome pictures and videos. You are putting me to shame.

jackie said...

Leanne it was nice to meet you too! I beleive that F2F contact is so important. You are doing a great job with your blogging, I really enjoy reading your posts. Good Luck with your final paper, we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!