Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Change is Inevitable!

In my measly twelve years of teaching, I have witnessed many changes - changes in the students, the teachers, the administration and the public perception of education. Many of these changes are due to societal happenings, some due to differences in upbringing and priorities, and many - a result of new technology!

It seemed like only yesterday when I was taking a class at the University of Saskatchewan that focused on usage of the overhead and making of transparencies - and thinking - WOW - colored overheads!!! Long gone are those days (and easy credits I might add). Instead, I now feel bombarded with the plethora of technological advancements and the responsibility of 'keeping up'. It was refreshing to relive the past through Dr. Schwier and Dr. Wilson's comical Introduction to Educational Technology session. I long for those days to return. Why? Because I don't feel confident in my abilities and get easily frustrated when things 'don't work'. I am one of those teachers who lug around boxes of clip-art, I still use video tapes (and still have problems hooking up the VCR when the kids think it is funny to disconnect the cable on me), and yes, I still do most of my marks by pencil and calculator (which I might add is a real calculator - not one of the accessories on my computer!). I live in the stone age - and love it!

Now to change my story . . . tonight's presention really made me sit and reflect - reflect on my unwillingness to change. I am living in the past. I know that there are so many more opportunities available for those who are willing to expand their horizons and try new things. I am reluctant to take that leap, but know full well that it is for the best - for both myself and my students! Good teachers keep up with the times - including technology - do I want to be a good teacher?

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