Monday, February 23, 2009

Proper Comment Etiquette

Being new to the whole blogging world - I have a question . . . is it expected by the 'commenters' to receive a 'comment' from the 'commentee'? What is proper blogging etiquette?

To begin with, what an elating feeling - to know that someone is taking the time to check out my posts. Not only are they reading my thoughts, but they are providing feedback which helps me grow and even more importantly - find reason to continue on my learning journey. I now know how students feel when they receive a sticker on their work - even when they are in grade eleven! Secondly, receiving a comment instills a feeling of 'belonging'. It is true - an online social network can bring someone out of their 'shell'. There is no threat! There is no judging! There is no pressure! Everyone is so eager to help and share. If only the real world were like this!

1 comment:

SKing said...

I really like your blogging style Leanne; it makes me feel like you're across the table sharing a story!

I also have wondered about blogging etiquette and I've been operating on the belief that if individuals are commenting on my blogs I should return the favour. Interestingly, I googled blogging etiquette and could find nothing on returning comments. The best site I found, in my opinion, was I think you've identified a topic that those of us who are new to this world should take time to reflect on and learn about.