Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"Would you leave your kid alone unsupervised with someone you didn't know? (Nancy Grace)

A couple days ago, I was vegging on the couch watching Rachael Ray (when I was supposed to be working on my paper) and the topic of 'sexting' came up. Naturally, I jumped to attention. I had never heard this term before and thought it could be interesting.

Wow! Interesting it was! Wikipedia defines sexting as "the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, primarily between cell phones". It is much like 'show and tell' but instead of just showing a class - you are basically showing the world! And instead of showing a teddy bear, you are showing you in your bare teddy. According to the statistics they used on the show, 1 of every 6 students admit to sending a sexually explicit picture of themselves to strangers. How scary is that? How damaging could that possibly be to one's reputation? It is too bad that most of the kids engaging in this tpe of behaviour are too young to fully understand the consequences. Little do they know that this is actually a form of child pornography! I guess it goes to show the importance of constant monitoring and instilling a sense of right and wrong in your children. What next????

Check out this clip from the Rachael Ray show . . .


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