Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The New Twitter

Sorry all you twitter fans - you won't like this mockumentary!


Kim said...

This video is great! Sign me up for a pair of those glasses!

Todd Handspiker said...

You will have to check my little find that slams Twitter. It's called the "Twouble with Twitter". I am expecting some hate mail soon...or maybe some Twitter insults...is that Twittersults?

SKing said...

LOL! I love Twitter and Flutter is funny! I think all web tools are worthy of a parody or two actually. We need to question the uses of these tools to fully understand their impact on us. With that said, Twitter has some fantastic possibilities that should not be ignored by educators. We need to understand it and use as a tool; we also need to be careful not to be controlled by a need to be on Twitter.