Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Paradigm Shift

Building A New Paradigm is an indepth site covering a range of curricula and student learning issues backed with interesting facts and statistics. It reveals thinking and learning processes in past, present and future education. It also uncovers and explains the complexities brought about by the introduction of the internet - a discovery that is sure to "change what schools are and do . . . forever."

Building a New Paradigm summarizes the societal changes of the past 40 years which lead to dramatic alterations in education. Dramatic as these changes are, imagine where we are heading in the future. What will 2020 bring?
The site critically analyzes and compares the new paradigm (internet based) with that of the old (book based). The shift ties in nicely with our current curriculum and emphasizes the importance of both knowing and understanding. It also promotes inquiry learning and higher order thinking. It does make me wonder however, how to handle assessment, as inquiry learning often leads us astray from the recommended curriculum.

Interestingly, the site also discusses the expectations of the school and how the responsibility has changed over the years. Schooling is more than just the transmission of traditional knowledge. It now encompasses parenting responsibilities such as ethics and values. It also touches on the transmission of knowledge - at one time delivered to the student from the teacher, but now readily available from outside sources, the internet and increasingly, other students.

What happens in education is up to us - the teachers. We have the power to change the way we teach and make a difference in our students' lives. We have the capabilities of expanding the ways we share knowledge. We can make teaching and learning more effective. Are we ready for this challenge?

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