Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I'm not so certain I have one true -ISM, but rather, a combination of many. I envision the future as a place of great turmoil, change and debate. Meeting the high expectations and every-changing demands of society will be a constant struggle. My -ism can best be summed up as follows . . .

Description: Experiential learning - encouraging students to discover their own path through hands-on experiences in diverse environments
Key Theorists: Strong emphasis on Dewey (with some influence from existentialists and realists)
Epistemology: Aquiring and ameliorating hard and soft skills through hands-on applications - very much experiential and self-directed
Ontology: How can I better society through my contributions?
Role of Teacher: Encourage students to explore themselves, the world and how they fit together. Guide them in discovery and make them aware of the vast possibilities. Create and nurture confidence. Expose them to new experiences and interactions! Provide a wealth of choices.
Role of Student: Follow their heart and their dreams. Nothing is impossible! Try new things! Make possible the impossible! Develop new skills! Never stop learning!
Visual Metaphor: A mouse in a maze - we may be unsure of the path we follow, but if we try our hardest and never give up, there is a reward waiting for us at the end! Should we stumble along the path, new experiences and challenges await us, all of which add to our character and strength.

"Life is a journey - not a destination"

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